Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Catch us on CII

As Salaamu Alaykum

The 99 Names of ALLAH...
 Our Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
 ߌSailing Through The Oceans Of Love...
 ߌReaching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With:
❤Libasut Taqwa
For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!

This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF 'AL BASEER' ❤

 ߌDATE: 28 April
 ߌTIME: 3 - 4 pm

Share If You Care ߒ݊--------------------------------------
Tune In To Cii:

Link to Cii:;listen.mp3

Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:

Dstv audio bouquet : 865
Subscribe to ❤Libasut Taqwa's Blog For Regular Updates:

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Catch us on Radio Al Ansaar tomorrow

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sistersߌ銊❤Tune into Lu'lu ul Maknoon on Radio al Ansaar for Another Spiritually Uplifting Program With Presenter Amina Jamal & Guest Apa Khadija Randeree Khan AlhumduLILLAH!

❤Date: WED 27 April
❤Time: 9am - 10am

"What Is REAL Submission?"

Don't Miss Out! ߒ݊Share The Goodness ߒ݊
*Dbn 90.4 fm
*Pmburg 105.6 fm
*Audio streaming:

Monday, April 25, 2016

Beautiful Hadith on Knowledge!

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, God will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge. The inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and (even) the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. The superiority of the learned over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave (no monetary inheritance), they leave only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. - Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1631

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Program schedule

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters

ߒݔhis Week's Beautiful Classes:

1)"Reflections From The QUR'AAN"
*Every Mondays*

A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...❤

✏Day: Monday 25 April
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood
 2) "Empowerment From The SUNNAH"
* Every Tuesdays*

ߒ݁llow The Essential Fragrance Of TAQWA To Beautify Our Hearts, Homes & Lives InshaaALLAH!

ߌ鄁TE: Tuesday 26 April
ߌ锉ME: 10:30am - 12pm
ߌ閅NUE: 77 College Road , Asherville

☎ 0827866854
❤Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah ❤

Share The Goodness ߒ݀

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Taqwa is when you miss a single prayer, you feel uneasy the whole day...
Taqwa is when you speak a lie, your instinct feels bad..
Taqwa is the guilt that follows when you hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly,
Taqwa is the shame and regret that follows a sin you did knowing fully well about it's stand in the sight of Allah,
Taqwa is when you cannot sleep the whole night after disobeying or disrespecting your parents..
Taqwa is to cry in the depths of night fearing none but the one above the Arsh.
Taqwa is the fear that refrains us from sinning even when we are alone and nobody is looking...
Taqwa is the guts and the will to please Allah, even when the whole world is hell bent on displeasing Him...
Taqwa is to wear that beard and Hijab for the sole reason of pleasing Our Rabb and to keep it as per sunnah....
Taqwa is to stay happy and smiling even after knowing this world is a prison for believers...
Taqwa is the good manners and character that loving and fearing Allah brings in us...
Taqwa is the struggle to better yourself according to Islam with each passing day...
Taqwa is not only about rising in deen, it is more about falling but rising up again and never letting go...
And if this heart is filled with proper Taqwa, then actions automatically follow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ajwa Dates


Arab News Article on Al Ajwa Dates


Mon, Apr 18, 2016

A new research says it has found evidence that the Ajwa date from Madinah contains active elements
useful in the prevention of diseases
like cancer.
The research was carried out in Riyadh-based King Saud University (KSU) to discover the health benefits of Ajwa dates, which resulted in the finding
that the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties similar to commercially available drugs like ibuprofen and

The study found that the inhibition
rate in Ajwa was equal to existing commercial anti-oxidant products available in the market.
The research was published in the 61st issue of the US-based journal for agriculture and food chemistry, a KSU official said.

The official said that professor Muraleedharan Nair, head of the natural materials laboratory at the University
of Michigan, conducted the research in collaboration with KSU’s date palm research chair.
A number of researchers from both the universities participated
in the study.

Saleh A. Aldosari, the chair’s supervisor, said the research was the first among a series of studies being conducted at the center to study the main types of dates found in Saudi Arabia.
The research projects are supported by KSU as well as King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) and the Kingdom’s national plan for research projects.

King Saud University has adopted
a policy of pursuing scientific
leadership through its many
scientific research chairs, which are sponsored by the university’s agency
for graduate studies and scientific research.

The dark brown Ajwa date from the Madinah region of the Kingdom is
known for its softness, dryness and
high price in the Kingdom’s date

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also mentioned the benefits of the Ajwa, saying they prevent certain diseases.

According to health experts, Ajwa dates contain many flavonoid glycosides,
which have anti-oxidant properties.
Beyond the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, the sugar in
Ajwa dates is only monosaccharaides, making the date beneficial for people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes.

Ajwa dates are also found to have a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitory effect that
is similar to commercial
anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, celebrex and naproxen.

Virtues of Salaam

The Virtue Of Making Salaam to twenty people in one day

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2014-12-17

Q: I heard in a Bayan that if you have a practice of sending or spreading Salam 25 times a day you will enter jannah. Could you kindly send me the actual text of the hadeeth.

A: The Hadith appears in Majmauzz Zawaaid with reference to Tabrani. There is mention of twenty times. The wording of the Hadith is as follows:

عن عبد الله بن عمر عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : من سلم على عشرين رجلا من المسلمين في يوم جماعة أو فرادى ثم مات من يومه ذلك وجبت له الجنة

It is reported from Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radiyallahun Anhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "The one who makes salaam to twenty people either collectively or individually and thereafter passes away on that day, Jannat becomes waajib for him. Similarly if he made salaam to twenty people at night."

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

عن عبد الله بن عمر عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : من سلم على عشرين رجلا من المسلمين في يوم جماعة أو فرادى ثم مات من يومه ذلك وجبت له الجنة وفي ليلة مثل ذلك رواه الطبراني وفيه مسلمة بن علي وهو ضعيف (مجمع الزوائد #12734)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beac

Monday, April 18, 2016


Libasut Taqwa
This Saturday Look Forward To:
Sporty, Fun Activities!
Get Ready For Some Outdoor Fun & Education!
Channelling Ur Child's Energy Positively!
Awaken Their Senses To The Beautiful Creation Of اللَّه!
Teaching Your Child To Relax The Sunnah Way!
....& Much More!
Age Groups:
4-7yrs: Boys & Girls
8-11yrs: Boys & Girls
Bring & Share Lunch,Encouraging Love & Unity
DATE: SAT 23 April
Registration: 9:30am
Booster : 10am till 1pm
VENUE: North Beach, Dbn (Meeting Place By 'My Diners')
ADMISSION: Just R120 For A Full Session Of The Best AlhumduLILLAH!
Mum/Female Guardian, Join in For Hours Of Edutainment & Coping Skills, FREE!
Snack Will Be Served
Your Child Will Be In The Capable & Loving Hands Of An Experienced Female Life Coach
Bring Along A Bucket & Spade
Bookings Essential!:
0827866854/ 0741626513
Bring Along Friends & Cousins...

The Ayate Karrima

Libasut Taqwa
Invites All Sisters Young & Old, To A Spiritually Uplifting Gathering, Where We Silently Recite The Ayate Karrima, Which Is The Dua of Haz. Yunus (AS)
In A Mafhoom Of A Hadith, It Is Narrated That Duas Are ACCEPTED After Recital Of
لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
A Collective Dua Will Be Made Pouring Hearts To ALLAH...Placing Before HIM All Our Needs & Difficulties In Both The Worlds. There Is A Silent Portion In The Dua Where Each Sister Asks Her Own Personal Duas As Well.
We The Ummah Of South Africa Are Facing Extreme Challenges, Within Ourselves, Our Homes, Families & Communities. Let Us Not Miss This Golden Opportunity Of Goodness For Ourselves & The Ummah At Large Inshaa'ALLAH! Who Is Not In Need Of ALLAH's Help?
  DATE: Thursday 21 April
  TIME: From 10 am
  Dua At: 12pm
  VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
  Free Program
Feel The Power Of ALLAH In Your Life...

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ladies Weekly Program

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters

This Week's Beautiful Classes:

1)"Reflections From The QUR'AAN"
*Every Mondays*

A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...❤

✏Day: Monday 18 April
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood
 2) "Empowerment From The SUNNAH"
* Every Tuesdays*

ߌኯin Us As We Continue To Plant Our Seeds In This Mubarak Month Of Rajab SubhanaaALLAH!

ߌDATE: Tuesday 19 April
ߌTIME: 10:30am - 12pm
ߌVENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville

☎ 0827866854
❤Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah ❤

Share The Goodness ߒ͇݀

Friday, April 15, 2016

How to increase Positivity in your home with Barakah

1) Open all windows in the house and allow fresh air and sunshine to enter the house. Free flowing air and sun are excellent negativity removers. Keeping the windows closed prevents positive energy from coming inside your house and negative energy from going out.
Don't Forget☝ߏ"Ashamsu Tabassam Alayk"ߌߊThe Sun Is Smiling Upon YouߑAll. Throw out all the clutter out of the house. Clean your house. Dispose of all the old unwanted things lying in the house. Clutter is a negativity magnet. It attracts and accumulates negative energy in the house.

Giving of Things From What You Love ߒ݊Brings BARAKAH in Your Home!

3). Walking barefoot in the house helps all your negative energy to be absorbed by the earth.
Grounding is important to keep the energy balance in our body.
Walking barefoot on grass is also an excellent way to ground yourself.

4) Always leave your footwear at the entrance of the house. Our footwear collects negative energy.
Hence in the olden days, these were kept out of the house. People used to enter the house only after washing feet with water. This action ensures that all the negativity remains outside or are grounded by earth and does not enter the house. Now it has become difficult to keep the footwear outside. So preferably remove them near the entrance door.

5) Go out in the open air. Take walks in the garden or open ground. Being amongst nature re-energizes or charges you fully.
Appreciate The Bounties If Your Rabb❤
And Make Tons Of Shukr!!!
Gratitude Weakens The Power Of shaithaan (Negative Energy)

6) Sweeping the floor also ensures that the negative energies are shaken and moved out with the dirt.

7) Rock salt is another negativity remover. Wash or mop your floor with a fistful rock salt in a bucket of water. This ensures that every nook and corner of the house is rid of negative energy.

8) Potted plants or trees around your house or society also ensures more positive energy in the house and area.

9) Bathing or Soaking your legs and hands in rock salt water once in a while removes the negativity attached to your body.

11) Repitition of Salaah,Tilaawat of Qur'aan "Tasbeeh" etc increases the positive vibrations in the home.

11) Keep your thoughts, action and speech Positive. Negative thoughts will bring in negative vibes. So avoid all negative thoughts, speech and actions.

12) Keep your house well lit and illuminated. Light removes negativity.

13) Keep Faith in ALLAH ❤in all you do...and Remain Confident.ߑ You are the Designer of your own Destiny by the Choices YOU make.ߑ̰ STAY HAPPY❤

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Jumma Mubarak

Sayings of the Prophet (saw)

He lost the woman and he lost his religion

Ibn al-Qayyim (Rahimahullah) narrated:

It is reported that in Egypt, there was a man who would maintain the mosques, making the call to prayer, etc. He was, by all outward means, an obedient person & devout worshipper.

One day, as he usually would, he ascended the minaret to make the call to prayer. At the base of the minaret, there was a Christian woman standing. He saw her, & was seduced by her looks. So, he descended the minaret, went to her, & entered her home. She said to him: “Who are u, & what do u want?”

He replied: “I want u.”

She said: “ Y?”

He said: “ U have enslaved my eyes, & u have captured my heart.”

She said: “I will never answer ur desire in a doubtful or suspicious manner.”

He said: “Ok, so, I will marry u, then.”

She said: “ U are a Muslim, & I am a Christian. My father will never allow me to marry u.”

He said: “So, I will become a Christian.”

She said: “If u wish to do so, go ahead.“

So, the man became a Christian in order to marry this woman, & lived with the woman’s family in her house. Later on that day, however, he was on the roof of the house. He fell from the roof & died without even having enjoyed his new bride. So, he lost the woman, & he lost his religion.”
     ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽
       LOST اللّـه
        FOUND اللّـه "

Dear brother/ sister
If u hav developed an attachment & obsession for a haraam relationship/ business dealing/ addiction...please let it go. Don't sacrifice ur everlasting Aakhirah for the short-lived pleasures of this temporary world.
Jannah is for ever & ever.

May اللّه  Subhana Ta'ala Keep us all on the straight path & Grant us death in a condition most pleasing to Him.
@>-- .@>-- .@>-- .@>-- .@>-- .@>-- .@>--

Troubled by Needs?

A Sahabi رضي الله عنه once complained to Sayyidina Rasoolullah صلي الله عليه وسلم regarding his needs and wants. Sayyidina Rasoolullah صلي الله عليه وسلم advised him as follows:
"When you enter your home, make salaam (whether anyone is at home or not). Then recite Salaat & Salaam upon me (Durood Shareef) & recite Surah Ikhlaas once.

The Sahabi رضي الله عنه practiced upon the prescription of Sayyidina Rasoolullah صلي الله عليه وسلم and Allah Ta'ala جل جلاله showered him with bounties in such large quantity that he started to spend on his family and neighbours.
(Abu Moosa Madani, from Sahl bin Sa'ad)

This is a very effective prescription and has been tried and tested by many.
(Duas for Sustenance, published by Khaanqah Sheikh Zakariyya)

May Allah Ta'ala grant us blessings in our sustenance.
امين يارب العالمين

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Catch us on Cii

As Salaamu Alaykum

The 99 Names of ALLAH...❤
Our Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
Sailing Through The Oceans Of Love...
Reaching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With
 ❤Libasut Taqwa For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!

 ❤This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF 'AL MUDHILL '❤

 DATE: 14 April
 TIME: 3 - 4 pm

Share If You Care ߒ݊------------------------------------------------
Tune In To Cii:

Link to Cii:;listen.mp3

Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:

Dstv audio bouquet : 865

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What's in your heart!

99 Names of ALLAH

As salaamu Alaykum
❤Libasut Taqwa's Long Awaited
'99 Names of ALLAH' CDs Are Now Available!

++ Mp3 CDs- 3 Tracks Each Of Pure Love In The Oceans Of ALLAH's Splendour! Subhaana'ALLAH!

ߌPLUS Bonus of:
❤ Libasut Taqwa's Signature 99 Names Song ❤❤❤❤

ONLY R150 for the set of 2 cd's

Empower Yourself And Others With The HEIGHT of Empowerment! ߒݰ߀ʊ
Whatsapp: 0835978602 to order!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Umzinto, here we come!

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters Of Umzinto

You Are Warmly Invited To A SPECIAL Ladies Program :

 Most VITAL , Encouraging And Motivating Topic For The Crisis In The 21st Century!

Speaker: Apa Khadija Randeree Khan Of Libasut Taqwa Institute, Durban, AlhumduLILLAH

ߌDATE: Wed 13 April
ߌTIME: 11am - 12:30pm
ߌVENUE: Venue 9 Crescent Road Umzinto (Farhana Kadwa)

Don't Miss This Dynamic Program!
Share If You Care

Surah Fatiha

Join us for our amazing Tuesday class

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters ߌ
Join Us As We Prepare To Plant Our Seeds For This Mubarak Month Of Rajab SubhanaaALLAH!

ߌDATE: Tuesday 12 April
ߌTIME: 10:30am - 12pm
ߌVENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
☎ 0827866854

❤Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah ❤

Share The Goodness ߒ݀)

We are Priveleged

Dear Sisters
YOU ARE Priveleged....And so am i AlhammmduLILLAH
ߘꊔTo Receive Such Knowledge....
May We all Appreciate This Ne'mah Of ALLAH AZZA WA JALL by
Following The Life Of my NABI ​ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ  ߑͰߏ
In Our HomesߑͰߏ
In Our Speech ߑͰ
In Our HeartsߑͰߏ
So We Can In Turn Shine With This Blessed Imaan We All Have Been GIFTED With❤
Let's Prove To OUR ALLAH❤

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Libasut Taqwa

Strives With The Will Of ALLAH ❤AZZA Wa JALL
Assisting in Coping With The Challenges of The 21st Century!
Using the Best Methods of Quraan And Sunnah


Confidence is better than Perfection because
Perfection means doing the best
 but Confidence means knowing how to handle the worst..!!
ߑͰStrive For The Best Akhlaaq
Following The Footsteps of my NABI ​ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ  

Du'a when Rajab Approaches

The month of Rajab

Reflections From The QUR'AAN

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters
💝This Week's Beautiful Classes:
1)"Reflections From The QUR'AAN"
A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...
✏Day: Monday 11 April
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood
2) "Empowerment From The SUNNAH"
🌱Join Us As We Prepare To Plant Our Seeds For This Mubarak Month Of Rajab SubhanaaALLAH!
🌹DATE: Tuesday 12 April
🌹TIME: 10:30am - 12pm
🌹VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah
Share The Goodness 💝. Libasut Taqwa...
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah!
Call / watsapp: 082 786 6854 message us now to join our bc list / groups
Twitter: Follow us @libasut_taqwa1
Insta: Follow us @LibasutTaqwaSA

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Catch us on CII Today

The 99 Names of ALLAH...❤
 ߌ陯ur Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
 ߌ铡iling Through The Oceans Of Love...
 ߌ钥aching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With
 ❤Libasut Taqwa For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!

 ❤This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF 'AL MU'IZZU '❤

 ߌ鄁TE: 7 April
 ߌ锉ME: 3 - 4 pm

Share If You Care ߒ݊------------------------------------------------
Tune In To Cii:

Link to Cii:;listen.mp3

Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:

Dstv audio bouquet : 865

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mothers of Islam

Who Can Match The Support and Love to Deen e Islam

We Are No Where Near Their Dust....


H. Khadija R.A

The Knowledge of Ayesha R.A

The Simplicity of H Faathimah R.A

The Courage of H Sumayyah R.A

The Bravery of H.Khaula R.A

The Wisdom Of H.Asma R.A

The Sacrifice of H.Aasiya R.A

The Tawakkul of H.Maryam

The Sabr of Aamina

The Deep Love of RasuLULLAH SAW . Of Umme Ammarah....

The List Never Ends....
However the Least We Can Do!
Is Strive To Follow In Their Beautiful Footstepsߑ̰ߏ뢝䀀


السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتهُ
InshaAllah new Moon 🌙 for Rajab 1437 will be observed on Friday, 8th April 2016 at Sunset ان شاء الله. It will be 28 hours old.
🌹Rajab is a month with blessings beyond our imagination and a month in which Duas are sure to be answered. We must respect this month and busy ourselves in as much Ibaadat as is possible within our capacity, so that we may take advantage of the numerous blessings of this month and so that we may attain the Pleasure and Mercy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى

Monday, April 4, 2016


"Narrated Abu Dhar: 'The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing."'" (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421.)

Hadith ... Gurabha

Libasut Taqwa Ladies Saturday Program

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters ߌ銊❤Join Us For Our REJUVENATING SATURDAY PROGRAMS Especially Tailored For Our Youth , Professional & University Sisters AlhumduLILLAH!

By Popular Demand!
FRee Program!
Topic: To be Announced

Saturday: 9 April
Time: 3pm - 4:30pm
Add: 7 College Rd , Asherville

 Warm, Loving And Most Empowering Atmosphere Taking You Out From Darkness To Light
All GLORY Belongs To ALLAH❤

Share The Goodnessߒ݊With Love,
Libasut Taqwa ❤

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Libasut Taqwa Ladies Tuesday Program

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters

Kindly Note:
There Will Be No
"Reflections From The Qur'aan" Class On Monday 4 April

Sunnah Empowerment Class Will Resume This Tuesday InshaaALLAH
DATE: Tues 5 April
TIME: 10:30am - 12pm
VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
☎ 0827866854

❤Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah ❤

Share The Goodness ߒ݀

Friday, April 1, 2016


Every exit has an entry somewhere.
Every end has a new beginning.
And every black cloud has a silver lining...
Life Means Possibilitiesߑͮ Libasut Taqwa...
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah!

Call / watsapp: 082 786 6854 message us now to join our bc list / groups
Twitter: Follow us @libasut_taqwa1
Insta: Follow us @LibasutTaqwaSA