Monday, October 31, 2016

The Art of Marriage

Courtesy of Libasut Taqwa
๐Ÿ’"The Art Of Marriage Production"๐Ÿ’
*DATE : Sunday 27 November 2016
*TIME: 9:30 am - 5 pm
*VENUE:The Arena, City View Mall, 10 Stamford Hill Road, Durban

๐ŸŒธ7.5 Hours Of :
๐ŸŒนWonderful Inspiration & Motivation, Powerful Empowerment, Interactive Sessions, Riveting Drama , Soothing Anaasheed, Proven, Successful, Healing & EffectiveTherapies.
๐ŸŒนAll in View With Amazing Visual Presentations !
๐Ÿ›๐ŸนINCLUDING A 5 Course Delicious Buffet Meal & Tea
๐ŸŒธ & Much Much More ...
๐Ÿ‘ŒSimply R300!
๐ŸŒนA Lovely, Relaxing Sunday Out For All Our Ladies & Girls In The Name Of ALLAH To Experience True Sisterhood While Enjoying The Beauties & Bounties Of ALLAH๐Ÿ‘Œ
๐Ÿ‘—Dress Feminine Under Your Abayas
๐ŸŒนSisters Only Event
๐Ÿ‘ŒAge: All Over 17 Years Welcome
๐ŸŒธKindly Send In The Following Details To 0827866854 / 0823266794 To Reserve Your Seat:
๐ŸŒนName, Surname , Area, Cell No.
๐ŸŒนLimited Tickets!
See You There Inshaa'ALLAH! Miss It And You Miss Out!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Libasut Taqwa Programs

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters

This Week's Beautiful Line-up  AlhumduLILLAH :

1) _Reflections From The QUR'AAN_

❤Join Us Every Mondays

New Series From The Quraan!
❤ The Ayatul Kursi...

Become more Intrigued With The Message From Your Rabb❤

From Al Qur'aan Al Azeem

✏Date: Monday 19 September
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue: 77 College Road , Asherville
✏Admission: Free!

EXPERIENCE The Beauty Of AL QUR'AAN IN Your Life... ❤
2) _Empowerment From The SUNNAH_

❤Join Us Every Tuesdays

❤Allow The Fragrance Of TAQWA To Beautify Your Hearts & Homes Inshaa'ALLAH!

❤Essential Coping Skills To Manage Your Day -to-day Challenges & Stress!

✏DATE: Tuesday 20 September
✏TIME: 10:30am - 12pm
✏VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
✏Admission: Free!

Info:☎ 0827866854

Model With Us
ߒ͏n The Ramp To Jannah ߒ͊
We Love You For The Pleasure Of ALLAH❤

Share The Goodness ߒ݀

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Al Kabeer

Libasut Taqwa ߌModel With Us On The Ramp To Jannah
*CII : 99 Names of ALLAH:*

_Click On The Following Link For Streaming Or Download:_

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ayaate Kareema

Libasut Taqwa
Invites All Sisters
To A Spiritually Uplifting & Silent Zikr,
Reciting Ayate Kareema i.e.
The Dua of Haz. Yunus (AS).

Join Us In These Blessed 10 Days Of Zul-Hijjah Wherein Our Deeds Are Most Beloved To ALLAH!
๐ŸŒนIn A Mafhoom Of A Hadith, It Is Narrated That Duas Are ACCEPTED After Recital Of This Dua :
ู„ุง ุงู„ู‡ ุงู„ุง ุงู†ุช ุณุจุญุงู†ูƒ ุงู†ูŠ ูƒู†ุช ู…ู† ุงู„ุธุงู„ู…ูŠู†
๐ŸŒนA Collective Dua Will Be Made Pouring Our Hearts To ALLAHAl Mujeeb.. Inshaa'ALLAH
๐ŸŒน The Ummah Is Facing Sudden Challenges And Calamities...
Do Not Miss This Golden Opportunity For Yourselves!
Who Is Not In Need Of ALLAH Azza Wa Jall's Help?
๐Ÿ“ DATE: Sat 10 September
๐Ÿ“TIME: 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
๐Ÿ“ VENUE: 77 College Road,Asherville,Off Roslyn Ave
๐Ÿ“ Free Program
Feel The Power Of ALLAH In Your Life...
Bc If You Care

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Saturday empowerment

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters

*Special Monthly SATURDAY Empowerment Program For Sisters & Youth!*

_❤Libasut Taqwa Invites You In These Beautiful Days Of Zul Hijjah To Spend Your Saturday With Us....Continuing With The Beautiful Reflections From Surah-Al-Fatiha._

❤Feel The Beauty...

✏DATE: Sat 3 September
✏TIME: 3pm - 4:30pm
✏VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
✏All Sisters Welcome
✏Free Program!

Info:☎ 0827866854

✨Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah ✨

We Love You For The Pleasure Of ALLAH❤

Share The Goodness ߒ݀a

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Ayate Kareema

฿ŒA Collective Dua Will Be Made Pouring Hearts To ALLAH❤Al Mujeeb
Silence Will Be Maintained in The Du'a So Each Sister Can Implore Into ALLAH❤Of Her Personal Needs!

฿ŒThe Ummah Is Facing Sudden Calamities & Challenges...
Do Not Miss Out On This Golden Opportunity Of Rahmah For Yourselves &
The Ummah At Large!
Who Is Not In Need Of ALLAH❤ Azza Wa Jalls Help?

฿“DATE: Wednesday
                  10th August
TIME: From 10am
฿“Dua At: 11.45
฿“VENUE: NMJ Islamic
฿“Free Program
☎ 0827866854

Feel The Power Of ALLAH❤ In Your Life...

Bc If You Care฿’݀

Monday, July 18, 2016

Program Schedule

Courtesy of
Libasut Taqwa:
As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters ๐ŸŒน
Welcome To A Fresh New Term Of Empowerment & Upliftment Inshaa'ALLAH!
This Week's Beautiful Line-up AlhumduLILLAH :
1) Reflections From The QUR'AAN
Join Us Every Mondays
A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...
Time: 10:30am - 12pm
Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood ( Durban )
Admission: Free!
EXPERIENCE The Beauty Of AL QUR'AAN IN Your Life...
2) Empowerment From The SUNNAH
Join Us Every Tuesdays
Allow The Fragrance Of TAQWA To Beautify Your Hearts & Homes Inshaa'ALLAH!
Essential Coping Skills To Manage Your Day-to-day Challenges & Stress!
TIME: 10:30am - 12pm
VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville ( Durban)
Admission: Free!
3) Special Monthly SATURDAY Empowerment Program For Sisters & Youth!
By Popular Demand!
DATE: Sat 23 July
TIME: 3pm - 4:30pm
VENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville (Durban)
All Sisters Welcome
Free Program!
Info: 0827866854
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah
We Love You For The Pleasure Of ALLAH
Share The Goodness

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Beautiful Story...

Sultan Murad IV, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1623-1640, would often anonymously go into the midst of the people and see their state. One evening, he felt an uneasiness in himself and the urge to go out. He called for his head of security and out they went. They came to a busy vicinity, and found a man lying on the ground. The Sultan prodded him but he was dead and the people were going about their own business. Nobody seemed to care about the dead man lying on the ground.
The Sultan called upon the people. They didn't recognise him and asked him what he wanted. He said, "Why is this man lying dead on the ground and why does no one seem to care? Where is his family?"
They replied, "He is so and so, the drunkard and fornicator!"
The Sultan said, "Is he not from the Ummah of Muhammad (saw)? Now help me carry him to his house."
The people carried the dead man with the Sultan to his house and once they reached, they all left. The Sultan and his assistant remained. When the man's wife saw his dead body, she began weeping. She said to his dead body, "May Allah have mercy on you! O friend of Allah! I bear witness that you are from the pious ones."
The Sultan was bewildered. He said, "How is he from the pious ones when the people say such and such about him? So much so that no one even cared he was dead!"
She replied, "I was expecting that. My husband would go to the tavern every night and buy as much wine as he could. He would then bring it home and pour it all down the drain. He would then say, 'I saved the Muslims a little today.' He would then go to a prostitute, give her some money and tell her to close her door till the morning. He would then return home for a second time and say, 'Today, I saved a young woman and the youth of the believers from vice.'"
The people would see him buying wine and they would see him going to the prostitutes and they would consequently talk about him. One day I said to him, "When you die, there will be no one to bathe you, there will be no one to pray over you and there will be no one to bury you!"
He laughed and replied, "Don't fear, the Sultan of the believers, along with the pious ones shall pray over my body."
The Sultan began to cry. He said, "By Allah! He has said the truth, for I am Sultan Murad. Tomorrow we shall bathe him, pray over him and bury him."
And it so happened that the Sultan, the scholars, the pious people and the masses prayed over him.
We judge people by what we see and what we hear from others. Only if we were to see what was concealed in their hearts, a secret between them and their Lord. If Allah knows, why does it matter who knows and who doesn't know?!
"O you who believe, abstain from many of the suspicions. Some suspicions are sins. And do not be curious (to find out faults of others), and do not backbite one another. Does one of you like that he eats the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor it. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is Most-Relenting, Very-Merciful." (49:12)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016



The observation of I'tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadaan was the continuous practice of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam. The devotion that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam attached to this beautiful Sunnah can be understood by the fact that on the occasion when he missed I'tikaaf due to an expedition, he observed twenty days of I'tikaaf the following year.

Undisturbed seclusion in the Masjid is indeed an excellent way to engage oneself in communication with Allah Ta'ala. Away from the comfort of the home, family members and the daily work routine, I'tikaaf enhances one's proximity to Allah Ta'ala and secures the internal and external purification of the Mu'takif when performed correctly.

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has stated, “Whosoever performs I'tikaaf for a day seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala, Allah Ta'ala will open three trenches between him and the fire of hell, the width of each (trench) being the distance between the heaven and the earth.” (Tabraani)

The Sunnah I'tikaaf in South Africa will commence at sunset on Sunday, 26 June 2016.

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians
223 Alpine Road, Overport
Durban, South Africa

Tel : +27 (0) 31 2077099
Fax : +27(0) 31 2074163
Website :
Twitter: @JamiatKZN

Monday, June 20, 2016

Are You A Successful Businesswoman?

Do you have what it takes?

It is narrated in a hadith something to this effect that Nabi (SAW) has said: "Whoever's main worry and preoccupation in life is concerning his hereafter, ALLAH will give him independence from everyone and will gather for him all his affairs (making him focused and content) and dunya (worldly life) will come to him, despite it being reluctant to do so!"

My dear readers, do you realise what a valuable asset you have at your disposal?
Do you recognise how valuable your asset (Imaan/Faith) is? How do you conscientise yourself and others about your most valuable asset (Imaan/Faith)? How do you market your greatest asset?

It is this fuel of Imaan and Faith that will assist you through your daily chores and challenges. It is this fuel of Imaan that will assist you in your journey of life towards your final destination and goal which is Jannah. The best way to conscientise yourself and others about your most valuable asset of Imaan is to acquire the products of exemplary character (Akhlaaq) and acts of worship (Ibadaat). When you are spiritually ill, inject yourself with doses of Imaan/Faith for survival in this world and the hereafter. One of the best ways of marketing your asset of Imaan is by implementing your products of exemplary character and acts of worship which will in turn create a ripple effect on society.

You have to establish and increase exemplary character till you reach a state of ALLAH-consciousness (Taqwa). Ibadaat should not be performed as a ritual but rather to please ALLAH because we OWE our servitude to ALLAH with sincerity and dedication, thereby accumulating our rewards in our banking account in the hereafter.
ALLAH says in the Holy Quraan: Surah 9 (At Taubah), Verse 111:
"Indeed, ALLAH has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise."

Dear readers, in order to protect and preserve your most valuable asset (Imaan) from any harm or theft, from thieves (Shaytaan/Satan, your desires, and the love of the dunya/world) then you need the following three burglar guards:

Whatever good deed you do is ONLY for the pleasure of ALLAH! 
For e.g : You serve your husband because you love him FOR THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH!

BELIEVE that whatever good you are doing or did, THE INSPIRATION TO
E.g : Whatever good you achieve in life, there is nothing to feel proud about, because ALLAH guided you to achieve that goodness! No matter how big or small! A Grain Of Pride Will Not Allow One To Enter Paradise!

My Reward Lies ONLY with ALLAH!
E.g : You made 3kgs of mitai/sweetmeats for your friend’s son’s walimah and NOW at your daughter’s wedding, she simply brings a dozen of cup cakes!        
Yes, you will feel hurt and upset. However, do not allow this hurt to override your TRUST that ALLAH will give you your reward!
Then say to ALLAH, "Oh ALLAH I have done so for Your Pleasure. Remove this hurt, pain from my heart and put your love instead.”

Implement the above burglar guards in your daily life and experience your problems decrease.

As a mother you are the most influential and successful businesswoman naturally....
Your interaction with the people in your home will be a means of dawah/propagation itself. Therefore, start within yourself and your home to "Model with Us on the Ramp to Jannah."
If your business would be open 24 hours a day, SubhanALLAH, How much of barakah/blessings will flow into your home...
The beauty of a businesswoman of the Akhirah is that your shop never closes. Your profits (barakah) always accrue even if you are sleeping!

Let's take the simple example of the acts that precede sleeping. If you sleep with Wudhu, make peace with ALLAH and everyone, you follow the Sunnah way of dusting the bed, use miswaak, recite your duas etc, Your sleep is converted into an act of worship and becomes your investment for the hereafter! SubhanALLAH!

As a businesswoman, you need to weigh your “business transactions” (profit or loss).
Are you taking yourself and others away from the ramp to Jannah or closer to it?
A simple method of balancing your books is by analysis;
Ask yourself the following question:
Is my action presently an investment for Akhirah/Hereafter or not?

So, dear reader, is your shop open only on a Friday between 12-2? Or in Ramadaan? Or on big nights?
I leave you to evaluate, when will you open shop and when will you close?
Is there a closing time?

Ummu-Makki ❤️

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

Libasut Taqwa's Personalised Magnets

My Dear Sisters
Libasut Taqwa's Personalised Magnets Are Now Available !
They are Beautiful n Inspirational AlhammmduLILLAH
Because that comes ONLY FROM my ALLAH
Comforting Your Hearts...Directly !
You Can Place Your Orders :
๐Ÿ“ž 0815012534
๐Ÿ“ž 0827866854
๐Ÿ“ž 0741626513
๐ŸŒนSimply @ R35 each!
For These Awesome Laser Inspirational Magnets!
๐ŸŒนA Lovely Size As Well that Makes Them So Catchy!
๐ŸŒนKeep Your Imaan Fresh Always

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Saturday Ramadhaan Empowerment Program

Would You Like To Find Your ' SOUL PURPOSE' This Ramadhaan?

Sisters & Youth Are Warmly Invited To Indulge With Us In A Magnificent 'Spiritual Feast'...

Libasut Taqwa's 19th Annual Saturday Ramadhaan Empowerment Programs AlhumduLILLAH !

❤Free Program!
❤Every Saturday in Ramadhaan!
❤Vital Topics Pertaining To YOU This Ramadhaan!
❤Gain From The Barakah That Is Pouring In This Month InshaaALLAH...


DATE: 11 June 2016
TIME: 11am - 12:30pm
VENUE: 77 College Road, Asherville

Share The Goodness

❤We Love You For The Pleasure Of ALLAH

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

Monday, June 6, 2016

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

What Happened to Ramadan ?

Allah made Ramadhan for the soul, but people made it for the stomach.
Allah made it for patience, but people made it anger and irritation.
Allah made it for changing themselves, but people made it for changing their mealtimes.
Allah made it for abstention, but people made it for lavish table spreads.
Allah made it for sharing food with the poor, but people made it for practicing the art of cooking.
Allah made its nights for worship, but people made them for entertainment and shopping.
Allah made its days for increased good deeds, but people made them for laziness and sleep.
In contrast, the Sahabah, who learned from the Prophet ๏ทบ, had a very different concept of what the month of Ramadhan should be:
A month of obedience, righteousness and learning
Days of activity, production and good deeds
Nights of prayer, supplication and more good deeds
Recitation and study of the Qur'an
Avoiding sin and seeking forgiveness from Allah
Simple meals
Visits to relatives, the ill, the distressed, etc., that are pleasing to Allah
Efforts to help the needy and the poor
Patience and caution in speech, with tongues fasting from gossip and dispute, thanking and praising Allah, advising and comforting others
Additional acts of worship, such as attendance of taraweeh prayers, especially during the last ten nights
Let's get back on track to achieve the benefits of Ramadhan !

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Things to avoid during Ramadaan

1. Don't sleep during the day and pray all night. By doing this you are converting the day into night and the night into day, which is not the purpose of fasting.

2. Avoid being lazy and inactive during the day.

3. Don't waste time on social networks and playing games. Rather, please Allah by increasing in your worship of him.

4. Avoid having Iftar parties. Ramadaan wasn't meant to be a food extravaganza.

5. Don't ask your wife to spend Ramadaan in the kitchen. Eat something light and quick.

6. Spend the last 10 days and nights worshiping Allah rather than trying to prepare for Eid! A night that is better than a thousand months is in these last 10 days. You can't afford to miss this.

7. Don't stay awake the full night. Your body has a right over you, and when it wants rest, then rest.

8. Avoid excessive socialising after Taraweeh.

9. Avoid shopping a lot in Ramadaan.

10. Don't eat the full night.

11. Don't loiter around at night, rather spend that time in worshiping Allah.

12. Eid doesn't require loads of preparation. Don't fall into this trap! Keep it simple, and it will be blessed.

May we witness this forthcoming Ramadaan with sound health ... ุขู…ูŠู†

99 names of Allah

As Salaamu Alaykum

The 99 Names of ALLAH...
 ฿ŒYour Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
 ฿ŒSailing Through The Oceans Of Love...
 ฿ŒReaching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With:
❤Libasut Taqwa
For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!

This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF "AL HALEEM"❤

 ฿ŒDATE: 2 June 2016
 ฿ŒTIME: 3 - 4 pm

Share If You Care ฿’݊--------------------------------------
Tune In To Cii:

Link to Cii:;listen.mp3

Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:

Dstv audio bouquet : 865

Libasut Taqwa Inspirational magnets

My Dear Sisters AlhammduLILLAH
❤Libasut Taqwa's Personalised Magnets ฿‘Will be Available Soon!

They are Beautiful n Inspirational AlhammmduLILLAH
Because that comes ONLY FROM my ALLAH ❤
Comforting Your Hearts...Directly !
You can contact Madina or myself For any orders
Salma in the beach /town side....
Simply R35 each!
For These Awesome Laser Inspirational Magnets!
A Lovely Size As Well that Makes Them So Catchy!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Libasut Taqwa programs scheduled for the week

Courtesy of
❤Libasut Taqwa:

As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters

฿Œ้ข’eflections From The QUR'AAN"
*Every Mondays*

A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...❤

✏Day: Monday 23 May
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood

☎ 0827866854
฿Œ้ ”witter: @libasut_taqwa1
฿Œ้ ‰nstagram: @LibastTaqwaSA
฿Œ้Šฏin us on Facebook

❤Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah ❤

Share The Goodness ฿’݀:

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Forgiveness on Laylatul Bara'ah

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Forgiveness on Laylatul Bara’ah

The night of Bara'ah (emancipation), the 15th night of Sha'baan is indeed a significant and blessed night. On this night, Allah Ta'ala showers His servants with special and divine mercy. It is recorded in the Ahadith that all Muslims are forgiven on this night besides the following:

1. Those who ascribe partners unto Allah.
2. Those who harbour enmity against others
3. Those who consume alcohol
4. Those who disobey their parents
5. Those who commit murder
6. Those who sever family ties
7. Those (males) who wear their garments (trousers, kurtas, lungis, etc.) below their ankles

We should, at this time, take stock of ourselves. Are we of those that will be deprived of Allah’s mercy on this night due to our evil actions? If we find ourselves guilty of the above evil actions then we need to rectify ourselves.


Salaah – Salaah is the preferred form of Ibadah for this night. It should be noted that there is no particular number of Rakaats to be read on this night.

Tilaawat– The recitation of the Noble Quran is very beneficial on this night.

Zikr– Engage in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala with the tongue and heart.

Dua– The greatest benefit one can draw from the blessings of this night is through Dua and supplication. The recommended Dua for this night is:

ุฃَุนُูˆْุฐُ ุจِุนَูْูˆِูƒَ ู…ِู†ْ ุนِู‚َุงุจِูƒَ ูˆَุฃَุนُูˆْุฐُ ุจِุฑِุถَุงูƒَ ู…ِู†ْ ุณَุฎَุทِูƒَ ูˆَุฃَุนُูˆْุฐُ ุจِูƒَ ู…ِู†ْูƒَ ู„َุง
ุฃُุญْุตِูŠْ ุซَู†َุงุกً ุนَู„َูŠْูƒَ ุฃَู†ْุชَ ูƒَู…َุง ุฃَุซْู†َูŠْุชَ ุนَู„َู‰ ู†َูْุณِูƒَ

(O Allah) I take refuge in your forgiveness from your punishment, and I take refuge in your pleasure from your anger and I take refuge in You from You. I cannot praise You as You ought to be praised. You are as You have praised yourself. (Shuabul Imaan)

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the ability of spending the Night of Bara’ah in a manner most pleasing to Him and may we gain His forgiveness on this night, Ameen.

Laylatul Bara’ah will on the eve of Saturday, 21 May 2016 in South Africa.
Jamiatul ulama kzn
Twitter: @JamiatKZN
Whatsapp: +27 82 831 5085

Ramadaan Spiritual Feast

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

The 99 Names of ALLAH...

As Salaamu Alaykum
The 99 Names of ALLAH...
๐ŸŒนYour Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
๐ŸŒนSailing Through The Oceans Of Love...
๐ŸŒนReaching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With:
Libasut Taqwa
For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!
This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF "AL LATEEF"
๐ŸŒนDATE: 19 May 2016
๐ŸŒนTIME: 3 - 4 pm
Share If You Care ๐Ÿ’
Tune In To Cii:
Link to Cii:;listen.mp3
Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:
Dstv audio bouquet : 865
Connect to Libasut Taqwa:
Twitter: @ libasut_ taqwa1
Instagram: LibasutTaqwaSA
Find us on Facebook

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

With Trust Even Silence Is Understood.
Without Trust Every Word Is Misunderstood.
Trust Is The Soul Of Relationships.

Learn And Grow฿Œแ€€

Libasut Taqwa...
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Inspirations by Libasut Taqwa

Discover Your SOUL Purpose this Ramadhaan....
Libasut Taqwa Presents:
A Magnificent "SPIRITUAL FEAST" Making This Ramadhaan A Special One For You,
Your Vital Capsule For Success This Ramadaan!
Discover The TRUE Meaning Of Taqwa & The Secret Of How To Harness It!
Refuel Your Imaan To Carry You Through The Next 11 Months!
Secure Your Fast From All Harmful Thieves!
With A Bonus of ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
๐Ÿ’—Heart Rendering &
Visual Presentations!
๐Ÿ‘ŒEdutaining Drama
๐ŸDelicious Lunch On Sale!
Tea Garden...
๐Ÿ›Inspiring Goodies Will Be On Sale!
๐ŸŒนDate: SUNDAY 29 May
๐ŸŒนTime : 10am for 10:30
Till 3:30pm
๐ŸŒนMake This Ramadhaan A Blessed & Beautiful Experience...
๐Ÿ“Free Registration Secures Your Seat & A FREE CD!๐Ÿ’ฟ
๐Ÿ“ฒWhat's App Name & Number To 0827866854 Or 0835978602
๐Ÿ“Bring Along A Note Pad & Pen
๐Ÿ’Empower Yourself Together With Family n Friends,
๐Ÿ’We Love You For The

Libasut Taqwa ...Weekly Programs

Courtesy of
Libasut Taqwa:
As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters
๐Ÿ’This Week's Empowering Classes AlhumduLILLAH :
1)"Reflections From The QUR'AAN"
*Every Mondays*
A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...
✏Day: Monday 16 May
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood
2)๐ŸŒน "Empowerment From The SUNNAH "
๐ŸŒน Join Us Every Tuesdays
๐Ÿ’Allow The Essential Fragrance Of TAQWA To Beautify Our Hearts, Homes & Lives InshaaALLAH!
๐ŸŒนDATE: Tues 17 May
๐ŸŒนTIME: 10:30am - 12pm
๐ŸŒนVENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
๐ŸŒน 0827866854
๐ŸŒน Blog: ๐ŸŒน Twitter: @libasut_taqwa1
๐ŸŒน Instagram: @LibastTaqwaSA
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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sha'aban... The month of the Prophet (saw)

The 99 Names of Allah

As Salaamu Alaykum

The 99 Names of ALLAH...
 ฿Œ้™ฏur Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
 ฿Œ้“กiling Through The Oceans Of Love...
 ฿Œ้’ฅaching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With:
❤Libasut Taqwa
For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!

This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF "AL 'ADL"❤

 ฿Œ้„TE: 12 May 2016
 ฿Œ้”‰ME: 3 - 4 pm

Share If You Care ฿’݊--------------------------------------
Tune In To Cii:

Link to Cii:;listen.mp3

Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:

Dstv audio bouquet : 865
Connect to ❤Libasut Taqwa:
Twitter: @ libasut_ taqwa1
Instagram: LibasutTaqwaSA
Find us on Facebook

Sunday, May 8, 2016



Weekly Program Schedule...

Courtesy of
Libasut Taqwa:
As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters
๐Ÿ’This Week's Beautiful Classes AlhumduLILLAH:
1)"Reflections From The QUR'AAN"
*Every Mondays*
A Heart Rendering Connection With Surah Fatiha Subhaana'ALLAH...
✏Day: Monday 9 May
✏Time: 10:30am - 12pm
✏Venue:900 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood
Courtesy of
Libasut Taqwa:
As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters
๐ŸŒน "Empowerment From The SUNNAH "
๐ŸŒน Join Us Every Tuesdays
๐Ÿ’Allow The Essential Fragrance Of TAQWA To Beautify Our Hearts, Homes & Lives InshaaALLAH!
๐ŸŒนDATE: Tues 10 May
๐ŸŒนTIME: 10:30am - 12pm
๐ŸŒนVENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
Twitter: @libasut_taqwa1
Join us on Facebook
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah
Share The Goodness

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rumi quote...


Honey... Healing properties

Catch us on Cii

As Salaamu Alaykum
The 99 Names of ALLAH...
๐ŸŒนYour Ultimate Journey Towards Recognizing Your Creator...
๐ŸŒนSailing Through The Oceans Of Love...
๐ŸŒนReaching the Shores Of The Pleasure Of ALLAH!Subhaana'ALLAH!

Tune Into Channel Islam Every Thursdays With:
Libasut Taqwa
For This Amazing Journey....AlhumduLILLAH!
This Thursday We Begin With The BEAUTIFUL NAME OF 'AL HAKAM'
๐ŸŒนDATE: 5 May 2016
๐ŸŒนTIME: 3 - 4 pm
Share If You Care ๐Ÿ’
Tune In To Cii:
Link to Cii:;listen.mp3
Link to Cii Audio streaming, Mobile streaming and the Downloadable App for Apple, Android and Blackberry:
Dstv audio bouquet : 865
*Subscribe to Libasut Taqwa's Blog For Regular Updates:
*Twitter: @libasut_taqwa1
*Join Us On Facebook

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Libasut Taqwa ... Our weekday programs

Courtesy of
Libasut Taqwa:
As salaamu Alaykum
Dear Sisters
Kindly Note Their Will Be No
" Reflections From The Quraan" Class This Monday ( 2 May ) Due To The Public Holiday
"Empowerment From The SUNNAH " Will Continue On Tuesday InshaaALLAH
๐ŸŒนDATE: 3 May
๐ŸŒนTIME: 10:30am - 12pm
๐ŸŒนVENUE: 77 College Road , Asherville
๐Ÿ’Allow The Essential Fragrance Of TAQWA To Beautify Our Hearts, Homes & Lives InshaaALLAH!
Model With Us On The Ramp To Jannah
Share The Goodness
