Monday, June 6, 2016

What Happened to Ramadan ?

Allah made Ramadhan for the soul, but people made it for the stomach.
Allah made it for patience, but people made it anger and irritation.
Allah made it for changing themselves, but people made it for changing their mealtimes.
Allah made it for abstention, but people made it for lavish table spreads.
Allah made it for sharing food with the poor, but people made it for practicing the art of cooking.
Allah made its nights for worship, but people made them for entertainment and shopping.
Allah made its days for increased good deeds, but people made them for laziness and sleep.
In contrast, the Sahabah, who learned from the Prophet ﷺ, had a very different concept of what the month of Ramadhan should be:
A month of obedience, righteousness and learning
Days of activity, production and good deeds
Nights of prayer, supplication and more good deeds
Recitation and study of the Qur'an
Avoiding sin and seeking forgiveness from Allah
Simple meals
Visits to relatives, the ill, the distressed, etc., that are pleasing to Allah
Efforts to help the needy and the poor
Patience and caution in speech, with tongues fasting from gossip and dispute, thanking and praising Allah, advising and comforting others
Additional acts of worship, such as attendance of taraweeh prayers, especially during the last ten nights
Let's get back on track to achieve the benefits of Ramadhan !

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